Wednesday, October 3, 2012

part 2 how yo-yos work applying physics

Yo-yos are toys that have a very deep history within it; from the Greeks, to the Chinese and the Filipinos. What is not commonly seen is that yo-yos have a fascinating explanation applying physics at work. Yo-yos can be explained through energy potential when it is being held in the palm of the yoyoist and being changed to energy kinetic.As the yoyo is being released, it gains angular momentum which makes it spin continuously. Also this spinning motion creates gyroscopic stability which resists the change of the axis of rotation.An innovation to yo-yos today is the centrifugal clutch wich enhances the performance of the yo-yo.

Relative to our discussions and experiments in the physics lab, the things that are working in yo-yos are the torque and friction. Friction is a thing that is always considered in manufacturing a yo-yo. Friction is responsible for the energy lost when the yo-yo is spun. Manufacturers must have a design that would make the string to have an optimal grip to the axle that would allow a free spin. This ability of a Yo-yo to free spin is called "sleep." Friction is also important in other tricks like walk the dog, where the friction between the ground and the yo-yo's disk is responsible for the yo-yo to roll in the ground.

Torque also plays an important role in a yo-yo; the axle serves as the axis of rotation/fulcrum and the string serves as the torque arm.The force perpendicular to the torque arm makes the disk spin. The concept of torque is important in tricks like around the world. The string must be in optimum length for it not to affect the transfer of energy.

what we learned in physics lab

1st part:
 What we learned in Physics 11 laboratory

It was always fun during Thursday afternoon especially because its the time for physics lab. We had to work with other people to finish our long was quite stressful because other group mates don't help in performing the experiments. But overall, physics 11 lab is very memorable, especially our teacher maam dosdos.

We learned from our experiments the importance of accuracy and precision in attaining data. We always tend to get the percent difference/error so that our data would be acceptable with a respect to a theoretical value.We also learned to read the vernier and micrometer caliper; the use of these instruments is needed in order to get a more accurate reading of up to 0.01 cm. Also we learned to use some apparatus like the inclined plane, the balance pan, etc and performing the experiments related to their concepts.

The experiment that we like most would probably be the experiment #8 entitled "measuring resistance of resistors." The experiment was fun though frustrating sometimes getting the ohmic values using color-coding and by the multimeter.It was fun making sure that the values you get by color-coding would be exact by calculating; it was also fun identifying the colors because you could get color-blind. We did got a datum that does not coincide with the computed range but its still close so the error is still acceptable.We like this experiment because its much easier compared to the other experiments like that dealing with the machines.